Regulations of the Online Store

These “Regulations of the Online Store” define the rules for using the online store by its customers who are consumers within the meaning of generally applicable law, as well as customers who are not consumers, place orders for goods and products presented on the website of the online store, provide them with ordered goods and products, payment by them of the sale price for goods and products purchased in the online store, their rights to withdraw from the sales contract (in the case of customers who are consumers) and the rules for submitting and processing complaints.


Preliminary Provisions

  1. The online store is run by an entity operating under the name: Proces Design Daria Kaźmierczak with its registered office in Warsaw, address: ul. KOLEJOWA 10, 01-210, WARSZAWA, entered / entered into the National Court Register (KRS), NIP number: 7543346054, REGON number: 520422767.
  2. Before setting up a Customer Account on the Online Store Website, as well as before making purchases in the Store, please carefully read all the provisions of the Regulations, as well as all the provisions of the Privacy Policy available at the following internet address:
  3. If the provisions of the Regulations indicate the rights or obligations of the Store, they should be understood as the rights or obligations of the Seller.
  4. All correspondence regarding concluded / concluded Agreements or submitted / submitted Orders by Customers should be sent to the Seller in electronic form to the following e-mail address:



Capitalized terms in all provisions of the Regulations will have the meaning ascribed to them in accordance with the definitions provided below (in alphabetical order):

  1. Personal Data – personal data within the meaning of art. 4 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679, relating to Customers who are natural persons, as well as to natural persons making declarations of will or performing factual actions on behalf of and for Customers;
  2. Business Day – any day of the week, excluding Saturdays and days recognized by law as non-working days in accordance with the provisions of the Act of January 18, 1951 on non-working days; whenever the provisions of the Regulations refer to days written in lower case and without a clear indication that they are Business Days within the meaning of this provision, they should be understood as calendar days;
  3. Product Card – a single subpage of the Store Website containing information about a single Product;
  4. Customer – a natural person with full legal capacity (including a natural person conducting business activity), a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which the applicable law grants the right to acquire rights and incur obligations, activating the Customer Account or placing an Order or concluding Agreement via the Store’s Website;
  5. Civil Code – the Act of April 23, 1964 – Civil Code;
  6. Consumer – a customer who is a consumer within the meaning of art. 221 of the Civil Code, namely the Customer who is a natural person performing a legal act (submitting an Order or concluding an Agreement) not directly related to its business or professional activity;
  7. Customer Account – the Customer’s system account on the Store Website, secured with an individual login and access password, enabling the purchase of Products in the Store, verification of the status of the placed Order, storage and access to the history of Orders or performing other activities specified in the provisions of the Regulations;
  8. Product – a movable item, including an item presented on the Store Website, which may be the subject of the Agreement;
  9. Custom-made product – A product prepared for a special and individual customer order and adapted to his individual requirements and needs;
  10. Regulations – these Regulations of the Store specifying the scope and conditions for placing Orders and concluding Agreements in, constituting the regulations for the provision of electronic services within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services;
  11. Regulation 2016/679 – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Regulation on data protection);
  12. Store Website – the Store website, the administrator of which is the Seller, available at the following internet address:
  13. Force Majeure – an external event independent of the Customer and the Seller, over which the Customer and the Seller had no influence and which, despite exercising the utmost care, they could not prevent;
  14. Store – an online store with the trade name located at:, run by the Seller, providing services to Customers consisting in the sale of Products, in particular via the Internet, under the conditions set out in the Regulations;
  15. Seller – the entity running the Store and concluding Agreements with Customers, namely the company: Proces Design Daria Kaźmierczak with its registered office at: ul. KOLEJOWA 10, 01-210, WARSZAWA, entered / entered into the National Court Register (KRS), NIP number: 7543346054
  16. Defect – Physical Defect or Legal Defect;
  17. Physical Defect – non-compliance of the sold Product with the Agreement, in particular if the Product:
    1. it does not have properties that an item of this type should have due to the purpose specified in the Agreement or resulting from circumstances or intended use;
    2. does not have the properties that the Seller assured the Customer about;
    3. it is not suitable for the purpose of which the Customer informed the Seller at the conclusion of the Agreement, and the Seller has not raised any objections to such purpose;
    4. was delivered to the Customer incomplete;
    5. it does not have the properties that the manufacturer or his representative or the person who places the item on the market in the scope of his business activity assured, and the person who, by placing his name, trademark or other distinctive sign on the sold item, presents himself as the manufacturer, unless The Seller did not know these assurances or, judging reasonably, could not have known them, or they could not have influenced the Customer’s decision to conclude the Agreement, or if their content was corrected before the conclusion of the Agreement;
  18. Legal Defect – a situation where the sold Product is owned by a third party or is encumbered with the right of a third party, and also if the restriction on the use or disposal of the Product results from a decision or judgment of a competent authority;
  19. Contract – a sales contract within the meaning of Art. 535 et seq. of the Civil Code, concluded between the Seller and the Customer as the buyer, regarding the Product;
  20. Consumer Rights Act – the Act of May 30, 1014 on consumer rights;
  21. Order – the Customer’s declaration of will regarding the purchase of the Product, submitted on the terms and conditions specified by the Seller in the Product Card and in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, via the Store Website.


General terms and conditions of using the Store Website

  1. The Store provides services consisting in the sale of Products via the Store Website, using the Internet, as well as other (one or more) means of distance communication.
  2. The basic technical requirements necessary to use the services provided electronically via the Store Website are to have (a) a technical device (including a mobile device) enabling access to the Internet and the Store Website, (b) access to the Internet , (c) a web browser of any type installed on this device, and (d) an electronic mail (e-mail) account.
  3. Customers and other users of the Store Website are obliged to refrain from any activity that could affect the proper functioning of the Store Website, including in particular any interference with the content of the Store Website or its elements technical, including the provision of content that is unlawful or infringes anyone’s rights or personal rights. It is forbidden to use the Online Store Website for purposes other than its intended purpose, including, in particular, sending spam, conducting any commercial, advertising, promotional, etc. fascism, nazism, communism, violence, insulting religious feelings, etc.
  4. The content of the Store Website and other information provided by the Seller, including in particular images of the Products presented on the Store Website and their prices, are only an invitation to place an Order or conclude an Agreement, and thus do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Art. 66 of the Civil Code.
  5. All prices of the Products given on the Online Store website are prices expressed in Polish zlotys (PLN) and include value added tax – therefore they are gross prices. Product prices do not include the cost of delivery, which is specified in the price list of deliveries, which is a list of available types of deliveries and their costs incurred by customers, available at the following internet address:
  6. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of the Products presented on the Store Website, introduce new Products to the offer and modify the content presented on the Store Website, in particular individual Product Cards. Price changes may apply to all Products presented in the Store, even if the Products are presented as part of promotional campaigns. The price change does not apply to Orders accepted by the Seller for execution.
  7. The prices of the Products indicated on the Website of the Store apply only to mail-order sales conducted by the Seller as part of the Store under the conditions specified in the Regulations. In particular, the prices of the Products indicated on the Website of the Store may not coincide with the offer of agents or distributors of the brand, other than the Seller.
  8. Promotions in the Store cannot be combined, unless the regulations of a given promotion made available on the Store Website provide otherwise.
  9. The Seller will make every effort to ensure that the photos of the Products posted on the Website of the Store reliably and correctly present the visual features of the Products. However, the Seller stipulates that some photos of the Products may not perfectly reflect the real appearance of the Products, in particular in terms of the colors of the presented Products, which the Customer acknowledges and accepts along with the acceptance of the provisions of the Regulations. The Seller is not responsible for minor discrepancies between the photos posted on the Online Store website, in particular for any differences in the appearance of the Product resulting from the individual settings of the monitor / screen / display of the device used by the Customer and the actual appearance of the Product.


Customer Account

  1. Creating a Customer Account on the Store Website is free of charge and takes place by completing the registration form available at the following internet address:
  2. At the same time, the Seller informs that the Store Website allows you to make purchases in the Store without registering and activating the Customer Account, as well as simply browsing the content and the range of Products presented on the Store Website does not require registration and activation of the Customer Account. .
  3. By registering, the Customer may also agree to receive commercial information, including informational, promotional or advertising materials, as well as Newsletter messages, including receiving them electronically. Consent is voluntary and is not a condition for setting up a Customer Account or making purchases in the Store. The expressed consent may be withdrawn at any time by the Customer by checking the appropriate box (checkbox) within the Customer Account.
  4. The Customer may have only one Customer Account.
  5. The Customer Account is secured with an individual login and access password, which enables making purchases in the Store, verifying the status of the placed Order, storing and viewing the history of Orders, as well as performing other activities specified in the provisions of the Regulations.
  6. It is forbidden to disclose the login and password to the Customer Account to unauthorized third parties. The Seller shall not be liable for transactions made by unauthorized third parties who gained access to the Customer Account as a result of the Customer’s failure to comply with the rules of secure receipt, storage and use of the login and password to the Customer Account. The above rules have been defined by the Seller in a document entitled “Privacy Policy” available at the following internet address:
  7. The Customer is obliged to provide only current and true data as part of the Customer Account. The Customer has the option of changing and correcting the data entered when creating the Customer Account at any time.
  8. The Customer may request the Seller to delete the Customer Account at any time, informing the Seller about it in the form of electronic correspondence (e-mail) to the following e-mail address: The Seller removes the data and information collected on the Customer Account immediately, not later than within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the Customer’s request.
  9. Removal of the Customer Account by the Seller without his consent takes place only in the following cases:
    1. the Customer’s use of the Customer Account in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations, applicable law and decency;
    2. having more than one Customer Account by the Customer;
    3. providing false or outdated data by the Customer, especially if it is false data or data of another person;
    4. the Customer’s failure to accept the amendment to the Regulations made by the Seller.


Placing and confirming Orders

  1. The purchase of Products in the Store can only be made by placing Orders in accordance with the rules set out in this paragraph.
  2. Orders can be placed via means of distance communication, i.e. through the IT transaction service provided by the Seller as part of the Store Website available at the following Internet address:
  3. In order to place an Order via the IT transactional service provided by the Seller as part of the Store Website, the Customer should follow all instructions appearing on the Store Website, in particular, he should take the following steps:
    1. access the website of the Store Website, while the technical requirements required in order to use the services provided via the Store Website are indicated in the provisions of § 3 sec. 2 of the Regulations;
    2. select a Product presented on the Online Store website, as well as specify the number of ordered individual Products and then enter it into the shopping basket by using the “Add to basket” button;
    3. in the case of Products in various configurations and parameters as a Product for individual order, select the appropriate Product parameters, e.g. its design, dimensions, components, colors, materials, etc., and then provide this information to the Seller via the means of communication of your choice on distance (e-mail contact at the following address: between 9.00-16.00);
    4. if you have a Customer Account, log in to the Customer Account (unless you have logged in before) using your individual login and access password;
    5. enter in the electronic Order form all the data indicated as required (in particular, the choice of the payment method and methods of delivering the Product to the Customer), as well as possibly – at the Customer’s choice – data indicated as optional (according to the instructions contained on the Website of the Store) – providing the above data is voluntary, however, providing the required data is necessary for the proper submission of the Order;
    6. choose a convenient payment method in accordance with the provisions of § 8 of the Regulations;
    7. select convenient delivery parameters in accordance with the provisions of § 9 of the Regulations;
    8. read the provisions of the Regulations and the Privacy Policy carefully and accept them by selecting the following checkbox: “I declare that I have read the Regulations of the Store and the Privacy Policy and accept their terms” – acceptance of the Regulations and Privacy Policy is voluntary, but necessary in order to properly place an Order;
    9. if a given Product is available under the conditions resulting from the promotion regulations posted on the Website of the Store – you should carefully read the content of such promotion regulations and accept it by checking the following checkbox: “I certify that I have read with the regulations of the promotion under the name: “…” of the Store and I accept its conditions” – acceptance of the regulations of the promotion is voluntary, but necessary in order to properly place the Order, taking into account the conditions of the given promotion.
    10. accept the shopping cart by using the “I order with the obligation to pay” button.
  4. After meeting the conditions set out in the provisions of sec. 3 of this paragraph, the Order is considered to have been placed by the Customer.
  5. Placing an Order within the meaning of the provisions of sec. 4 of this paragraph means the Customer’s declaration of will to conclude an Agreement with the Seller, in accordance with the content of the Order placed by the Customer, as well as on the terms set out in the Regulations.
  6. In addition, placing an Order is tantamount to submitting a statement by the Customer that all data provided by him in connection with placing the Order (including in particular Personal Data) are true. The seller is not obliged to verify their authenticity. In addition, the Seller is not responsible for the negative effects for the Customer resulting from providing untrue / outdated / incomplete data (including in particular Personal Data); in particular, all correspondence (including electronic) and all shipments delivered by the Seller to the address (including electronic) provided at the time of sending the correspondence or shipment, are deemed to have been delivered correctly.
  7. Due to the consequences indicated in the provision of sec. 6 of this paragraph, the Seller recommends carefully and accurately entering all Customer data (including in particular Personal Data) when activating the Customer Account or placing and accepting a given Order. Any data entered by the Customer when activating the Customer Account may be corrected or updated after each logging into the Customer Account.
  8. The Seller will inform the Customer when placing the Order, and the Consumer not later than when the Consumer expresses his will to be bound by the Agreement with the Seller, about the total price of the Order including VAT, delivery costs and any other costs.
  9. In the event of unavailability of the Product presented in the Store and ordered by the Customer, the Seller shall immediately inform the Customer about it by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer when activating the Customer Account or when placing the Order.
  10. In order to enable the Customer to gain access to all relevant provisions of the Agreement in the future, the Seller, after receiving the placed Order, will confirm its receipt via e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer when activating the Customer Account or placing the Order, by sending the content of the Order along with relevant information about it, in particular the price of the ordered Product together with delivery costs, if any, and in the case of Consumers also information about the right to withdraw from the Agreement, along with a link to detailed information about the right to withdraw from the Agreement, a link to the model form of withdrawal from the Agreement, as well as a link to the Regulations and the Privacy Policy
  11. The status and details of the Order placed in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph are available after the Customer has correctly logged into the Customer Account.
  12. Any changes, additional arrangements regarding the placed Order may be made only electronically by sending correspondence to the following e-mail address:
  13. After confirming the Order placed by the Customer in accordance with the provisions of sec. 10 of this paragraph and after the payment is credited to the Seller’s bank account, in accordance with the provisions of § 7 sec. 1 letter c) of the Regulations), the Seller immediately proceeds to execute the Order.
  14. Placing an Order by the Customer on the terms set out in this paragraph is not tantamount to concluding the Agreement, but only a proposal for its conclusion by the Customer. The Seller informs that the Agreement is concluded in accordance with the provisions of § 10 of the Regulations.


Order completion date

  1. The date of completion of a given Order depends on the date of completion provided by the Store for the Product covered by this Order.
  2. In the case of an Order paid by bank transfer or via an electronic payment system, the Order completion period begins to run – on the date of crediting the Customer’s payment in the appropriate amount to the Seller’s bank account.
  3. Sending the subject of the Agreement (ordered Product) by the Seller to the delivery address indicated by the Customer takes place within 2 to 4 business days, however, in exceptional cases the deadline may be extended.



  1. When placing an Order, the Customer may choose the following forms of payment for the Product:
    1. traditional transfer to the Seller’s bank account;
    2. online payment supported by Przelewy24, including VISA/MASTERCARD transactions and fast online bank transfer;
  2. The customer agrees to receive an invoice in electronic form.
  3. Any prepayments made by the Customer for the purchase of the Product do not constitute a down payment within the meaning of art. 394 of the Civil Code, but constitute an advance payment on the price of the Product.
  4. If the Customer places an Order and fails to make the payment within 14 days (fourteen days) from the date of confirmation of the Order by the Seller, the Seller reserves the right to automatically cancel the Customer’s unpaid Order.


Product Delivery

  1. When placing an Order, the Customer may select convenient delivery parameters for the ordered Product, such as: selection of the carrier, type of service, delivery cost, etc. – in accordance with the options available at the following internet address:
  2. All deliveries of Products will be made by the Seller via its own delivery channels or courier or logistics companies, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations for the provision of domestic or international transport and postal services of these companies in force on the date of ordering the shipment.
  3. Orders can only be delivered within Europe.
  4. The Seller will make every effort to ensure that the Product sent to the Customer is packed in a way that ensures its integrity and prevents the risk of its destruction or damage during transport to the Customer.
  5. The Seller declares that the proof of purchase of the Product in the form of an invoice or other sales document will be attached to the shipment with the Product or will be sent by post or e-mail to the delivery address indicated by the Customer when placing the Order.
  6. The Seller declares that together with the Product sent, it will include all instructions, recommendations, warranty cards, spare parts, etc. provided and usually attached by the manufacturer or manufacturer of the Product.
  7. The Seller is obliged to deliver the Product to the Customer without defects.
  8. The provision of sec. 8 of this paragraph does not apply to the Product for which the Customer and the Seller have agreed otherwise (e.g. sale products, post-display products, etc.)


Conclusion of the Agreement

  1. The contract is concluded between the Seller and the Buyer at the time of placing the order.


Consumer’s right to withdraw from the Agreement

  1. In accordance with the provisions of the Act on Consumer Rights, the Customer who is a Consumer who has concluded the Agreement (which is a distance agreement within the meaning of the Act on Consumer Rights) may withdraw from it within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the Goods, without giving any reason and without incurring costs, with the exception of the costs specified in the provision of sec. 5 last sentence of this paragraph.
  2. Withdrawal from the Agreement referred to in the provision of sec. 1 of this paragraph, is made by submitting an appropriate statement in writing on the form available on the Website of the Shop at the following Internet address: and attaching it to the returned order or by e-mail to the following e-mail address -mail:
  3. To meet the deadline specified in the provision of sec. 1 of this paragraph, it is enough to send the above statement before its expiry.
  4. The Seller shall immediately send the Customer who is a Consumer a confirmation of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement submitted in the manner specified in the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this paragraph, by e-mail to the Customer’s e-mail address from which the declaration of withdrawal was sent, and in the case of sending this declaration by traditional mail – to the Customer’s e-mail address provided when activating the Customer Account or placing the Order.
  5. In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement referred to in the provision of sec. 1 of this paragraph, the Customer should also return the Product together with the packaging unchanged, unless the change is the result of using the Product in a way necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functionality of the Product, to the following address: ul. KOLEJOWA 10, 01-210, WARSAW
    with the note “Sklep – withdrawal from the Agreement”, immediately, but not later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the order. To meet the above deadline, it is enough to send back the Product before its expiry. The return of the shipment with the Product is at the Customer’s expense.
  6. After accepting the return of the Product, the Seller will send the Customer a correcting invoice.
  7. The refund of the amount paid by the Customer as the purchase price of the returned Product will take place immediately, but not later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the returned order together with the withdrawal form, by making a transfer or transfer by the Seller to the account number indicated by the Customer. banking.
  8. The Seller reserves the right to pursue claims for damages on general terms resulting from the provisions of the Civil Code, in the event of damage suffered as a result of the Customer’s failure to fulfill his obligations under the law in connection with withdrawal from the Agreement.
  9. In the event that the Seller and the Customer submit joint declarations of will to terminate the Agreement by mutual agreement, the Customer shall bear all costs of returning the Product to the Seller, and the Seller shall bear all costs related to the reimbursement of fees paid for the Product to the Customer.
  10. The above provisions of this paragraph do not apply to: (a) contracts concluded by Customers other than Consumers, (b) Contracts constituting the basis for the purchase of Products manufactured according to the Consumer’s specifications contained in the Order placed by him or serving to meet his individual needs, marked in the Product Card as a “Product for individual order” and (c) Agreements constituting the basis for the purchase of Products, which after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items, as well as in other cases resulting from applicable law.



  1. The Seller is liable to the Customer who is a Consumer for Defects of the delivered Product. If such a Product Defect is found by the Customer who is a Consumer, he has the right to submit a complaint or by post to the following address: ul. KOLEJOWA 10, 01-210, WARSZAWA or by e-mail to the following e-mail address:
  2. The Seller recommends that the Customer check the delivered Product upon receipt in the presence of the supplier (e.g. carrier, courier, etc.) and in the event of finding any Defects, shortages or damage to the Product, draw up an appropriate report with it, and then immediately notify the Seller of this fact by sending a detailed description of Defects, lack or damage, in the manner specified in the provision of section 1 of this paragraph.
  3. The Seller is obliged to respond to the complaint submitted by the Customer who is a Consumer within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of its receipt by the Seller. A response to the complaint is understood as informing the Customer who is a Consumer about its acceptance or rejection, while the lack of response within the above period does not mean rejection of the complaint. The response to the complaint is provided by the Seller in electronic form to the e-mail address from which the Customer who is a Consumer sent the complaint to the Seller, or to another e-mail address indicated by the Customer who is a Consumer in the complaint.
  4. If the Seller considers the complaint positively, then he collects the Product from the Customer at his own expense, and the Customer is obliged to properly pack and protect the Product under complaint against destruction or damage. In the case of mechanical damage caused during transport to the returned Product, it is recommended that the Customer attach a damage report drawn up at the time of receipt of the Product in the presence of the courier, as well as signed by the courier, if it has been prepared.
  5. After a positive consideration of the complaint, the Product covered by it will be repaired or replaced with another one, free from Defects, as soon as possible. If the repair or replacement with defect-free goods is impossible (for example, due to the fact that the stock of this Product is out of stock), the Seller will refund the Customer the equivalent of the Product price or offer him other Products available in the Store.
  6. Bearing in mind the provision of § 3 sec. 9 of the Regulations, the Seller hereby stipulates that the grounds for the complaint are not, in particular, differences in the appearance of the Products delivered with the ordered Products, viewed on the Online Store Website, which may result from other settings (parameters) of the monitor / screen / display of the device, used by the Customer, as well as differences in the actual parameters of the Products.
  7. The above provisions of this paragraph shall apply accordingly if the cause of the complaint is an incorrectly issued invoice (with the exception of provisions regarding the return, exchange or repair of the Product).
  8. The use by the Customer who is a Consumer of the rights described in the provisions of this paragraph does not limit the possibility of exercising the rights described in § 13 of the Regulations, provided that the Product Defects disclosed by the Customer who is a Consumer are covered by the guarantee provided by its producer or manufacturer.
  9. Considering the provision of art. 558 § 1 of the Civil Code, the Seller’s liability under the warranty for Product Defects in relation to Agreements concluded with Customers who are not Consumers is excluded.


Personal data processed by the Seller

  1. The administrator (within the meaning of Article 4 point 7 of Regulation 2016/679) in relation to Personal Data provided to the Seller by Customers or natural persons making declarations of will or performing factual actions on behalf of and for Customers, is the Seller (company operating under the business name: Design process Daria Kaźmierczak)
  2. By providing the Seller with his Personal Data, the Customer acknowledges that they will be processed by the Seller in order to:
  1. implementation of the Order placed by him and the Agreement concluded with him, including for the purpose of considering complaints and possible claims under the Agreement;
  2. archiving, e.g. for accounting or tax purposes.
    1. Natural persons making declarations of will or performing factual actions on behalf of and for the benefit of the Customers, providing the Seller with their Personal Data, acknowledge that they will be processed by the Seller in order to:
    2. contacting them in connection with the implementation of the Order placed by the Customer and the Agreement concluded with the Customer, including in connection with the need to consider complaints and possible claims under the Agreement;
    3. archiving, e.g. for accounting or tax purposes.
  3. In addition, Personal Data provided by the Customer or natural persons making declarations of will or performing factual actions on behalf of and for the benefit of Customers may be processed by the Seller for the purposes of direct marketing, while commercial information will be sent to the above natural persons by electronic means, as long as such a natural person agrees to receive them.
  4. Personal Data will be processed by the Seller for the period of:
    1. where we are required by law to store Personal Data (e.g. for accounting or tax purposes);
    2. performance of obligations under the Agreements concluded with Customers, including the expiry of the limitation period for claims under the Agreements (if the Customer has an active Customer Account in the Store  – for the period of holding this active Customer Account);
    3. implementation of the Seller’s legitimate interests as an administrator, e.g. pursuing claims, implementing direct marketing by the Seller, as well as contacting natural persons making declarations of will or performing factual activities on behalf of and for the benefit of Customers, if it is necessary to conclude or perform Agreements with Customers, unless an objection to the processing of Personal Data by the Seller has been successfully filed earlier.
    4. The recipients of Personal Data may be trusted third parties providing the Seller with (a) IT services (including hosting providers, system administrators, software providers, etc.), (b) accounting, accounting, legal, tax and administrative services. In addition, recipients of Personal Data may also be external courier and transport companies, Poczta Polska S.A. and entities conducting payment activities (banks, payment institutions, etc.)
    5. The Seller is obliged to protect the Personal Data provided to it by Customers or natural persons making declarations of will or performing factual actions on behalf of and for Customers, in accordance with the requirements resulting from applicable law in this respect, including the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 and the provisions of the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data.
  1. Detailed rules for collecting, processing and storing Personal Data by the Seller are described in the document entitled “Privacy Policy”, which is available at the following address:


Intellectual Property Rights

The Seller hereby declares that he is entitled to intellectual property rights, including proprietary copyrights or rights resulting from granted licenses, to the Deskizycia trademark, as well as to the Store Website as a whole and its individual elements, including the content posted on the websites Store Website. The Customer acknowledges that he is not entitled to any use of the above-mentioned trademarks and works.


Final Provisions

  1. To the extent not covered by the provisions of the Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law, including in particular the provisions of the Civil Code, shall apply.
  2. Any comments or questions regarding the functioning of the Store should be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address: The Seller reserves the right to answer selected questions, in particular in a situation where the Seller has previously provided explanations for an analogous or similar issue and posted them in the “FAQ” or similar tab on the Store Website.
  3. Disputes, if the Customer so wishes, are resolved through mediation or arbitration. The Customer who is a Consumer has the option of using out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims against the Seller, in particular by addressing:
    1. to the poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsman with a free-of-charge request to apply to the Seller regarding the protection of the rights and interests of the Customer (pursuant to the provisions of the Act of February 16, 2007 on competition and consumer protection), or
    2. to the Provincial Inspectorate of the Trade Inspection with a free, written request to initiate a mediation procedure aimed at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the Customer as a consumer and the Seller (pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 15 December 2000 on the Trade Inspection (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017 year, item 1063 as amended).
  4. In the absence of an amicable settlement of any disputes between the Customer and the Seller, they may be submitted to the common court competent according to the provisions of the Act of November 17, 1964 – Code of Civil Procedure.
  5. In addition, the Seller informs about the possibility of resolving disputes between the Seller and the Customer who is a Consumer electronically using the ODR (online dispute resolution) platform, available at based on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council ( EU) No. 524/2013 of May 21, 2013 on the online system for resolving consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on ODR in consumer disputes).
  6. The Seller reserves the right to change any provisions of the Regulations, however, with the reservation that Orders accepted by the Seller before the date of entry into force of the new provisions of the Regulations will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations in force on the date of acceptance of the Order by the Seller.
  7. The amendment to the Regulations is made by posting the new content of the amended provisions of the Regulations on the Store Website. Customers who have a Customer Account will be informed about the change to the Regulations to the e-mail address provided during registration. If, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of informing the Customer about the amendment to the Regulations, he does not send a statement of non-acceptance of the changes to the e-mail address:, it is considered that he has accepted the amendments to the Regulations
  8. The Regulations have been in force since January 1, 2023. Store Team